Thursday, February 2, 2012

When in the Army I knew someone with black hair on his head and a blond moustache?

When in the Army I knew someone with black hair on his head and a blond moustache, I could not understand it, how can this be possible? If I remember rightly (it was over 20 years ago), he claimed it was his natural hair colour, scientifically is it possible?When in the Army I knew someone with black hair on his head and a blond moustache?
Lots of men who started out very blonde end up very dark haired.My own father had a shock of blonde curls as a kid but black hair in adulthood.I guess this man was also a blonde in youth and for some reason unlike the hair on his head the moustache hair remained blonde.When in the Army I knew someone with black hair on his head and a blond moustache?
Michael Jackson also claimed that he is naturally white and so on. There are so many liars in the world...
it's possible, but uncommon
My Dad has brown hair on his head and a ginger beard... my Grandad had basically blond chest hair with a V of ginger! Does that answer your question?

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